Creating a Disciplined Environment

God talks to us about the fruits of discipline in Hebrews 12:11.  

Whenever you are trying to get things done – have you noticed that there are certain triggers that cause you to fall into the same habits? It’s because our brain associates certain cues with certain outcomes.

For example, if you are trying to start up a new habit of eating healthy, try going to a new grocery store. You might not be as tempted to get the same foods that you normally get, and you also find that a new location is a great way to disrupt your old patterns of being.

The same is true for losing weight. When I first began my health journey, I did not do any sort of physical activity – I loved being at home and working out. I soon realized that to change my mindset around physical fitness, health, and wellness. In the job I had at the time, I was surrounded by people who loved physical activity and I would frequently be invited to outings that revolved around working out. This one change soon rippled into other areas of my life, including my interest in personal development and health. I began to learn about healthy brands of food, what proportions of protein, vegetables, and carbohydrates to eat on a daily basis, the benefits of intermittent fasting, and so much more.  

The people who are the most disciplined do not necessarily have more of a propensity for discipline compared to normal people. What they do implement are strategies so that the discipline comes easily, and that involves changing their environment.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the cues that you are using. Imagine you are trying to teach someone how to drive a car, yet you show them lots of footage of accidents. This might backfire in what you are trying to accomplish by instilling fear and anxiety and causing the person to drive too cautiously – which in turn causes the very thing you are trying to avoid (an accident!). Or the person becomes too fearful and doesn’t want to learn to drive.

As you start your journey into making new changes for the better, you will inevitably be tempted back into your old lifestyle. You can break a bad habit, but more often than not it’s extremely unlikely that you will ever forget it. Some habits are so ingrained in us, that as soon as the cue is present, our habit can resurface. This is why it is important to guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23) and also to cut bad habits off at the source.

Does social media trigger you to feel jealous or insecure? Are you overeating in response to emotions or cravings? Do you attempt to escape life by immersing yourself in video-games or television? Get clear with the habits that have become idols in your life and re-focus on God and His will. Start journaling and seeing where you can replace your previous habits with ones that pursue God.

Just as Nehemiah posted guards day and night for protection, remember to post a guard for yourself as well, whether that be through prayer, reading His word, or having accountability partners who you can talk to. When God calls us to something higher, that is usually when the enemy decides to attack us. People with high self-control tend to put themselves in situations where they are not as tempted. Why? It is easier to avoid temptation than it is to resist it. Instead of trying to muster up the willpower to overcome your temptations, God tells us to flee from them. “Therefore, put to death what belongs to your earthly nature” (Colossians 3:5). It’s important to have a community of people who can pray for you and help guide you in the season you are in. We aren’t meant to do this life alone, and joining in with others is a wonderful way to not only be encouraged, but to also encourage others who are walking a similar path.

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